A Brief History New Orleans Jazz…

Learning a little background on the history of (New Orleans) Jazz can be insightful…

New Orleans Jazz
(By – via Artipot)

All styles of traditional jazz (swing, Kansas City, dixieland, Chicago, west coast) are unique for any number of reasons, but New Orleans is often thought of as first and foremost in the genre. This is mostly because New Orleans is where it all started…
More Here ->

4 Good Bass Guitar Practice Routines…

These very same tips for practicing and expanding on the Bass Guitar can be applied to your guitar and keyboard. A reminder of the basics is handy now and then to remain tuned-up on our instruments

bass guitar post

(By Robert Paul – via Street Articles)
Ever wonder what you should be practicing? Is what I’m practicing really helping me become a better player? Very good questions to be asking yourself. If you’re serious about developing your skill as a bass player, a good practice routine is essential…
Get the ‘4’ Bass Guitar Practice Elements here ->
