Spotify Messin’ with Musicians?…

OK, Spotify has reached a decent plateau in music streaming for its listeners… however how do you, the musician, appreciate and gain from its blasting of your writings and tunes? Here’s an interesting article, whereby a heavy-weight in the music industry ‘weighs-in’ on this issue (it gets personal, funny and sad)…
Jam On!


Added by Charice Long on Oct 20, 2014

Jimmy Buffett asked Spotify’s C.E.O. whether artists should expect a raise directly from Ek’s booming company in the future or continue “through the bullshit” that labels subject them to. Empathizing with young artists in particular, Buffett says he hopes the music service groups are considering the struggles greenhorn musicians face obtaining revenue and music rights…Read more at…

10 Great Places to Promote Your Music Online

Besides your announcements on FaceBook, your Blog, YouTube, Press Releases, email alerts to your existing fans, you might find this story on the 10 great places to promote your music online a decent guideline to assist with your resolve to ‘get your songs heard’ on the Internet.

promote music online

(via Wix Blog)
It’s no earth-shattering news that the internet has basically changed the music industry for good. Technologies like file sharing, social media and eCommerce are giving artists more opportunities to expose their music to larger audiences and increase their fan base…

10 good sites to promote your music, here: